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  • Dany P.H.

Samsa - Kyrgyzstan

I should really start by saying that I don't really feel like I achieved this dish - quite a few things didn't turn out the way I had hoped so I can only really apologise to the people of Kyrgyzstan and promise to do better next time!

This recipe should actually be relatively simple - it's vegetables diced small, mixed with meat, salt and pepper, wrapped into pastry to form a triangular shape and baked in the oven! Most of the recipes I found used lamb and this one below for some reason used duck. I decided to go vegetarian after reading that I could and and so opted for pumpkin, potato, onion and bell pepper. This recipe suggests using a laminated dough and I thought bingo! I can use store bought puff... but not quite. I think if I had rolled it into a log, then cut into into slices and rolled out that might have worked to get the right texture but I was a little worried about ruining the dough as my kitchen was quite warm. On this recipe here you can see that the front of the triangle should have rings around it - hence my thoughts of re-rolling the pastry!

In the end I used the first recipe and they did taste really nice - but as you can see I didn't really achieve the shape or the right type of pastry!

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