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Liechtenstein - Ribel

Dany P.H.

A house move, a city move and a change of jobs over the summer months means that this is my first post since the 18th of April 2021! But I’m back strong, with three recipes this week.

First up is Ribel/ Ribl from Lichtenstein. This dish came up in all the must eats/must try lists that I could find with some cheekily branding it the healthy apple crumble. The dish is made with a mixture of warm milk, warm water and salt which is then mixed with cornmeal and left to stand. The mix is then fried in butter until it breaks up and resembles crumbs. It is served with apple sauce, berry compote, cooked cherries or sour cheese. I happened to have two beautiful bramley apples from my grandmothers graden which I cooked in water until soft and then drained, mixed with butter and stirred with a fork until they became sauce. It was delicious.

The whole dish was very tasty and warming perfect for a winter day – I must say that the comparison to apple crumble left me wanting a bit of vanilla ice cream or custard.

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