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  • Dany P.H.

Guinea Bissau – Abacate com tuna

In July I finished my thesis and immediately started house and job hunting as I had to move out of college, and I wasn’t loving my job anymore… I was enjoying the civil service but not the role I was in. As I finished my MSc, I realised that my job was a means to an end that had now been accomplished and I needed something to keep me motivated. So then in September I moved out and in October I started a new very intense, fast paced job (which I love) and I also started to take German classes as I had been self-teaching for about 9 months and wanted some conversation practice. Needless to say, I think I burned out a little and while I have been cooking it’s now been over a month since I last published anything! Luckily for me, I’m pretty sure almost no one is reading this blog so no one will be mortally offended by my lack of publishing and no one will have missed me much!

So without further ado, here’s a dish from Guinea Bissau which is basically a tuna salad of sorts served inside half an avocado – delightfully simple to make and a great side or small lunch! I used this website here and as you can see the description is quite vague – so my suggestion is taste taste taste as you make it to ensure it’s to your liking!


  • 1 ripe avocado

  • 1 can of tuna (drained)

  • 1 chopped tomato or a small handful of chopped cherry tomatoes

  • Grated coconut to taste

  • Evaporated milk to taste

  • Salt to taste


  1. Place the tuna in a bowl and season with a little salt, then gradually add some evaporated milk until you get a texture you enjoy, think tuna mayonnaise. Personally, I prefer mine on the dryer side.

  2. Then add some grated coconut again to taste, and some chopped tomatoes. Adjust salt seasoning as necessary.

  3. Cut the avocado in half and remove the seed, at this point you can either peel it or leave it in the skin. Scoop some of the tuna mix onto the avocado and serve!

Note: You can also scoop out the avocado and mix with the salad, and add a little coriander to taste!

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